Is what he does vandalism or is it actually quite beautiful? Is he simply breaking the law or is he taking a stand against our capitalist society? Whatever you may think of the street artist's work, Banksy is undeniably a worldwide phenomenon. From recreating stone henge with portable toilets at Glastonbury to spray paining a crack to paradise on the Gaza wall, his art is some of the most controversial, political, groundbreaking and, arguably, creative work that has emerged in the last few decades. However, the man known as Banksy has never once revealed his identity to the public.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
FILM CHALLENGE: 128) Exit Through The Gift Shop
Added Jan 6, 2010,
128) Exit Through The Gift Shop
Director: Banksy
Year: 2010
Plot Summary: Banksy is a graffiti artist with a global reputation whose work can be seen on walls from post—hurricane New Orleans to the separation barrier on the Palestinian West Bank. Fiercely guarding his anonymity to avoid prosecution, Banksy has so far resisted all attempts to be captured on film. Exit Through the Gift Shop tells the incredible true story of how an eccentric French shop keeper turned documentary maker attempted to locate and befriend Banksy, only to have the artist turn the camera back on its owner with spectacular results.
Only a few people have ever met Banksy and those who have are so loyal to him that his anonymity is never at risk. Even his parents are unaware as he allegedly tells them that he is a decorator and painter. But one man, so obsessed with street art and the work of the Bristol-born artist, made it his quest to meet him. His name was Thierry Guetta and his story is the main focus of the documentary Exit Through The Gift Shop. But is he real? Knowing Banksy's provocative and prankster like nature you have to consider the fact that this may, actually, be an entire work of fiction. What's to say that he isn't just playing us for fools in some personal joke about celebrity obsession or something? How can we trust someone who only appears as a silhouette with a distorted voice? This could well be the entire point! It's impossible to know. Let's face it, it's not like he's going to be giving a press conference any time soon.
But, nevertheless, Exit Through The Gift shop is a fantastic tribute to the beauty in street art. It quite perfectly captures the anti-commercial nature of the medium and the fact that anyone and everyone with enough money to buy a spray can is able to create something that so many people can witness. Moreover, it explore the history of the art and the entire culture that goes hand in hand with it. By the time the credits role, you'll want to roam the streets of your nearest city and tag a building with a design of your own.
But, at the same time, Exit Through The Gift Shop also raises some important questions and issues about art whether it's music, cinema, literature or graffiti. For example, the fine line between popularity and 'selling out', the nature of art and its meaning, and in the final scenes, what actually makes something a work of 'art'. It's a thought-provoking documentary and one that will take several viewings to fully digest.
Practical joke or real, it's thoroughly engaging and a must-watch for anyone who is a fan of his work or has yet to discover who he is.
The approach is quite confusing, but I like it (it's almost like Adaptation), even if just studying street art by itself rather than the depth to it too.
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